T: 07986 089678 E: wooftauntondogcare@gmail.com

April 2018
April 2018
January 2018
It's a Dog's Life
It's a Dog's Life
A Day in the Life of little OSSIE......
Hello. My name is Ossie – that’s me in the photo above. I live with my family and my two dog brothers – Bruce and Arnold. Whilst my family were away over Christmas and New Year, Lesley from WOOF Taunton came to stay with us. Although we missed our family, we had a great time with Lesley and she gave me lots of cuddles; well to be honest, she had little choice as I just launched myself onto her lap every time she sat down........
Meet my handsome brother, Bruce.
Bruce and Arnold love playing with balls and looking for sticks.
Meet my brother, Arnold. Lesley says he reminds her of a meerkat.
Bruce, Arnold and me are bouncing on the bed and around the bedroom trying to get Lesley up to let us out. I don’t think Lesley is an early morning person as she didn’t seem to share the same enthusiasm as us for going out into the garden in the cold morning air.
Me and Arnold on the bed.
We are ready to play in the garden. Bruce and Arnold love to play ball but, as they are bigger than me and knock me over, I don’t like to play with them.
I have my own ball to play with. Here I am looking very pleased with myself!
After a short snooze, we are wide awake and ready to go out in the garden again. Lesley says we can have a “meditative” walk, ie no ball throwing. As you can imagine, spaniels aren’t known for their “meditative” qualities. I spend the time foraging around the moss under the trees – it’s surprising what you can find to eat!
My brothers, Bruce and Arnold, search for lost balls and sticks.
A group shot
Me and my brothers in the garden
It’s walk time; yippee! We get so excited by walks. Lesley takes us to the woods where we love exploring. Lesley ‘risk assesses’ us all off lead on our first walk and decides that I am the biggest risk! I really don't know what she means.... Anyway, as a consequence, I am kept on lead. To be honest, it doesn’t bother me too much as I continue in my own way and just drag Lesley along with me! Hah!
Arnold and Bruce in the misty woods.
We love our walks in the woods. One day we even had snow! Here we are trying to keep still for a photo. My brother Bruce loves the snow and Lesley throws snowballs for him so that he can catch them and eat the snow. Arnold and I are not so keen.
Bruce enjoying the snow - not his best look. Think he is trying to smile but it looks more like a grimace!
Arnold and Bruce
We are all crashed on the sofa after a fun filled day. There is no room for Lesley so she has to sit on the floor!
Bruce and me cuddling on the sofa; happy and sleepy.
October 2017
It's a Dog's Life
It's a Dog's Life
A day in the life of ALFIE......
Hi, I’m Alfie and I live with Mummy and Daddy, my older brother, Marley and the latest addition to our dog family, our little sister, Maisie. When Lesley from WOOF Taunton came to stay in July, it was just me and my brother and we were on our best behaviour, even though Lesley calls me "Mr Naughty"; me I ask? As if...... However, when she came to stay in September, Maisie had joined us and I don’t think Lesley was quite prepared for the addition of a puppy and the chaos that ensued .......
Before I start, I will introduce you to Marley and Maisie.
My big brother Marley. He’s a really nice brother but a bit obsessed with his ball. He doesn’t like other dogs, preferring human company, and is very grumpy with our new sister, although admittedly she can be a bit annoying when we are trying to sleep and she is still wide awake.
My little sister Maisie. She is a very lively addition to our family and the two of us love playing together in the garden. Shame about her ears though...... But I do like licking them!
Marley and me out for our early morning walk. Maisie couldn’t join us as she had not had her final inoculations.
Lesley says I bark too much. Really, I say to her, and carry on barking anyway; hah!
Sunbathing on the decking in the garden – closely supervised by Lesley who said we may suffer with sun stroke/overheating if we sunbathe for too long....
Maisie having a quick snooze on the picnic blanket.
Reflection of me admiring myself in the garden mirror; a favourite pastime of mine! You can see Maisie in the background; well, the silhouette of her ears.
Marley loves drinking out of the bird bath......
Time for an afternoon snooze. Me in my favourite spot on top of the sofa. Lesley says I am more like a cat – a cat I ask; where? One of my favourite things is to chase them. Mummy, Daddy and Lesley are not at all impressed when I do this though; can’t imagine why.
Maisie and me love playing together in the garden. We love to run in and out of the flower beds. Oops, sorry about the flowers, Mummy.
Maisie and me in a tug of war.
Maisie and me playing hide and seek.
August 2017
August 2017
It's a Dog's Life.......
It's a Dog's Life.......
A day in the life of HARRY - that's me (otherwise known as “Prince Harry” - courtesy of my Aunty Anita).
Whilst Mum and Dad went away on holiday, Lesley from WOOF Taunton came to stay to look after me and my big sister Pip (otherwise known as “Princess Pip” – yes, you’ve guessed it – Aunty Anita again).
We like it when Lesley stays as she takes us for lovely walks and lets us into the lounge all the time and gives us lots of cuddles. She doesn’t give us many treats though; I think that’s because Mum tells her not to..... something to do with putting on weight......
Did I tell you that Lesley's nickname for me is "Scooby Doo". She says it's the way I walk that reminds her of that loveable cartoon dog. I personally think I am much more handsome.....
After breakfast it’s time for a snooze. I really love my older sister, Pip, but sometimes she is a little too domineering. I was in the bed first, but she insisted on pushing in as well. You can tell by the look on my face that I’m not very impressed..... and it’s a tight squeeze.....
Lesley gets her mat out to do some yoga. I soon put a stop to that by taking over the mat. Besides, her Downward Dog is not a patch on mine!
We had a lovely walk in the woods. Here Pip and I are walking along on our best behaviour.
Time for another snooze. Here I am lounging upside down on the couch.
And a close up - I’m not sure that this is doing me any favours though; oh well, at least my mouth is closed....
Pip and I looking appealingly at Lesley in the hope that she will take us for another walk. She sometimes forgets and mentions the word “out” when referring to something else other than a walk, which gets me and my sister very excited indeed as we know that “out” actually means “walk”. It has caused some confusion for all of us.....
We had a lovely evening stroll and the rain actually stopped for a short time. Who would believe that we are in August? Lesley took this rather artistic shot of me in silhouette with a beautiful rainbow in the background.
After a happy day of walks, good food and cuddles, me and Pip are relaxing on the couch.
We are going to do it all again tomorrow...... and the next day; can’t wait.....
T: 07986 089678 E: contact@wooftauntondogcare.co.uk